24.Read and write. A monk(和尚) was very hungry.He asked people in the town for food.The people didn't know the monk and hid(隱藏) their food.They all told the monk they had no food.The monk had an idea.First,he said to the people,"I will make stone(石頭) soup for you." The monk put the stones into a pot of water and started to cook tjye.aim.He then said,"This is good soup.But it is better(更好) with salt and pepper (胡椒粉).I don't have any. "A boy got some salt and pepper for the soup."Stone soup is always better with some vegetables." the monk said.An old woman put some vegetables into the soup. "The best (最好的) stone soup needs some meat and more vegetables."the monk said.A man brought some meat and other people put more vegetables into the pot.Soon the people had the soup.They loved the stone soup and gave thanks to the monk. (一)閱讀短文,(1)-(3)判斷對錯,對的選"T",錯的選"F"; (1)The people had no food.
(2)A boy got some salt for the soup.
(3)The monk was clever.
(二)(1)-(2)用完整句子回答問題。 (1)What did the old woman put into the soup?